SPECIAL MEETING: There will be a special board meeting at 6 PM on 3/31/2020. The board will continue discussing the School Closure and length of the closure. This meeting is accessible to the public via ZOOM (health reasons). Please find the link & agenda in the Resources Menu.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
“Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.” – Jim Rohn
about 4 years ago, Sunnyside
Hope all is going well. The staff will be posting video messages & lessons soon. Please have your child check our website for these messages and lessons. Also, please have your child CHECK their school emails, especially the older students. Many have messages waiting! Espero que todo este llendo bien. El personal va a publicar mensajes de vídeo y lecciones pronto. Por favor, pídale a su hijo que revise nuestro sitio web para ver estos mensajes y lecciones. Además, por favor haga que su hijo REVISE sus correos electrónicos escolares, especialmente los estudiantes mayores. ¡Muchos tienen mensajes esperando!
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle
about 4 years ago, Sunnyside
More information!
about 4 years ago, Sunnyside
Food information
As the availability of food becomes an issue, Tulare County has the following list to have and pass out regarding the food pantries in the region.
about 4 years ago, Sunnyside
Food Bank
Gracias a todos los que recogieron los paquetes de los estudiantes. Alrededor del 85% de las familias vinieron hoy día. RECORDATORIO: No habrá servicios de comida el jueves o viernes. (días no escolares). Los servicios de comida volverán a empezar el lunes por la mañana. Espero que todos estén bien. Thank you to all who picked up student work packets. Around 85% of the families came by today. The parents really stepped it up! REMINDER: There are no food services for Thurs or Fri. (non-school days). Food services will resume Monday morning. Hope everyone is doing well.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Attention Parents: In anticipation of an extended closure you might want to consider signing up for FREE INTERNET Service. SPECTRUM is offering two months for free. The contact number is 1-866-874-2389. You can check on accessibility based on your address. If closure goes past April 13 much of the student work will be available online.
about 4 years ago, Steve Tsuboi
Thanks to all of you who have stopped by for work packets! There were a bunch of you. We will be open again from 11-1:00 pm and 4-5 pm this afternoon. Hope to see you.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Buenas tardes Comunidad Sunnyside. TODO el personal de Sunnyside trabajó durante todo el día para organizar paquetes de trabajo para sus hijos. Reunieron suficiente trabajo para 12 días de escuela. Mañana pueden recoger sus paquetes pasando por el estacionamiento. Estaremos abiertos de 7:00 a 9:00 a.m... 11:00 a 1:00 p.m. y de 4:00 a 5:00 p.m. Por favor, de hacer su mejor esfuerzo para venir mañana. El personal quiere asegurarse de que a pesar de que sus hijos no están aquí, todavía queremos y necesitamos educarlos de la mejor manera posible. Además, tenemos muchos lentes que deben recogerse. Todos los materiales están empacados por familia y ordenados alfabéticamente, por lo que la recogida será rápida. Gracias y esperomos verlos pronto.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Good Evening Sunnyside Community. The ENTIRE Sunnyside staff worked throughout the day to put together and organize work packets for your children. They put together enough work for 12 days of school. Tomorrow you can pick up your packets by coming through the parking lot. We will be open from 7:00 – 9:00 AM ... 11:00 to 1:00 PM and from 4:00 – 5:00 PM. Please do your best to come by tomorrow. The staff wants to make sure that even though your children are not here we still want and need to educate them as best possible. Also, we have lots of glasses that need to be picked up. All materials are bagged by family and alphabetized so pick up will be quick. Thank you and hope to see you soon.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Good Morning Sunnyside Community. Here is the revised lunch drop off schedule. Lunches will be dropped off at the park at 11:30. Near the Blue Store at 11:40. By the Southern Baptist Church at 11:50. On Avenue 196 at 12:00. Lunch outside of Plainview will be between 11:30-12:00. Breakfast for tomorrow will also be given out. You may also pick up todays lunch and tomorrow’s breakfast in the school drive thru. Thank you for your patience. Reminder there we will be no food services on Thursday and Friday. These are non-school days.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Good Evening. This is an important message from Sunnyside School. At tonight’s board meeting it was decided to proceed with temporarily closing Sunnyside School due to COVID-19. This action is effective immediately. The closure will be in effect through Monday, April 13. The school will be sending out instructional work packets that will need to be completed by the students during this time. You can expect these later this week. The District will also be delivering breakfast and lunch to the students at their regular morning bus stops. Lunch will be delivered to the same location between 11:30 – 12:30. You may also pick up a lunch at the school drive thru. We will continue to keep you updated as necessary. Please regularly check our website, school app, and all social media. We appreciate the support of the entire Sunnyside community during these challenging times. Together we will get through this challenge. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Buenas noches. Este es un mensaje importante de la escuela de Sunnyside. En la reunión de la junta directiva de esta noche se decidió continuar con el cierre temporal de la escuela Sunnyside debido a COVID-19. Esta acción es efectiva de inmediato. Las clases comenzarán de nuevo el lunes 13 de abril. La escuela enviará paquetes de trabajo instructivo que necesitarán ser completados por los estudiantes durante este tiempo. El trabajo será dado más tarde esta semana. El Distrito también entregará el desayuno y el almuerzo a los estudiantes en sus paradas regulares de autobús por la mañana. El almuerzo se entregará en el mismo lugar entre las 11:30 – 12:30. También puede recoger un almuerzo en el lugar de entrega de la escuela. Continuaremos manteniéndolo actualizado según sea necesario. Por favor, consulte regularmente nuestra página de internet, aplicación de la escuela y todas las redes sociales. Agradecemos el apoyo de toda la comunidad de Sunnyside durante estos tiempos difíciles. Juntos superaremos este desafío. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros con cualquier pregunta.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
ACTUALIZACIÓN: La escuela estará en sesión el lunes. La Junta se reunirá el lunes a las 6PM para revisar la situación y tomar decisiones con respecto al posible cierre. Si siente que necesita mantener a su hijo en casa debido al Coronavirus, notifique a la escuela. No contará en su contra para fines de asistencia. Se proporcionarán paquetes educativos si el distrito cerrara. Más información a seguir.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
UPDATE: School will be in session on Monday. The Board will meet Monday at 6PM to review the situation and make decisions regarding possible closure. If you feel that you need to keep your child at home due to the Coronavirus please notify the school. It will not count against you for attendance purposes. Educational packets will be provided if the district were to close. More info to follow.
about 4 years ago, Steve Tsuboi
Good Afternoon Sunnyside Community – At the current time Sunnyside will continue to be is session. School will continue as usual. Today the district did a deep cleaning of each classroom, outdoor rails, poles, etc. The governing board and administration are monitoring the situation and will be meeting on Monday night at 6 PM to discuss further possible actions. REMINDER: School is in session this week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday the district will have professional development days that were previously scheduled. There will be no school on Thursday and Friday. If there are any changes you will be notified by text and all social media (website, app, Twitter and Facebook). I believe the Sunnyside community will stay strong and work together in these challenging times. Buenas tardes Comunidad de Sunnyside - En este momento, Sunnyside continuará en sesión. La escuela permanecerá abierta. Hoy, el distrito realizó una limpieza profunda de cada salón de clases, incluso dentro de los salones, rieles exteriores, postes, etc. La junta directiva y la administración están monitoreando la situación y se reunirán el lunes por la noche a las 6 PM para discutir posibles acciones adicionales. RECORDATORIO: La escuela estará en sesión esta semana el lunes, martes y miércoles. El jueves y viernes el distrito tendrá días de desarrollo profesional que fueron programados previamente. No habrá clases el jueves y viernes. Si algo cambia, se le notificará por mensaje de texto y todas las redes sociales (sitio web, aplicación, Twitter y Facebook). Creo que la comunidad de Sunnyside se mantendrá fuerte y trabajaremos juntos en estos tiempos difíciles.
about 4 years ago, Steve Tsuboi
Sunnyside Gardens is selling vegetable plants. All information will be listed below on the flyer.
about 4 years ago, Sunnyside
Sunnyside Gardens
ATTENTION: Next Tuesday's Student Awards Assembly has been canceled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
REMINDER: School will not be in session on March 19 and March 20. This was previously scheduled. It will be Professional Development Days for staff.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
UPDATE: All unnecessary upcoming school events will be looked at on an individual basis in regards to scheduling. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi