The CHOICES after-school program will be registering students Wednesday, April 12 at 5:30 PM. It is the best time to register your student for the upcoming school year so that a s...
Looking for an adventure? California State Parks are offering free day passes to fourth graders and their families. All you have to do is go to and apply. Th...
The next food distribution in Plainview will be on June 21st from 2 PM-3 PM. The address is 19667 Ave. 195 in Plainview. It is open to the public and anyone could stop by for food...
SARC - THE 2021-2022 School Accountability Report Card can now be accessed. LINK:
Sunnyside Elementary
Since November 1988, state law has required that schools receivi...
Our Book Fair is located in the Auditorium this year with lots of options to pick from. Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. W...
Grandparents' day will be this Friday the 18th. There will be student performances, refreshments and we can't forget about our yearly turkey trot. Hope you can make it!
Attention women of our community you are invited to this year's Farmworker Women's Conference. We are excited to announce that Pleasant View and Sunnyside Elementary have collabo...
Our Fall Carnival will be happening Thursday, October 27th here at Sunnyside. All of our staff and students have been working really hard to make this an amazing event. Hope you c...
Tulare Adult School offers a variety of courses and helpful programs. It's never too late to get started. Give them a call or visit their website which is listed on the flyer.
The Tulare County health department will be coming out to Sunnyside and providing a flu shot clinic. It is open to the whole community and is completely free. It is a great opport...
Our 8th graders have started to fundraise and will be selling tri-tip sandwiches to be able to save up for their end-of-year trip. All 8th graders will have presale tickets that c...
We are excited to announce that Save the Children here at Sunnyside School and Family Drive-In have partnered together to bring a Reading Corner to the children of Plainview. Chil...
Board application link Sunnyside Union School District had an insufficient number of candidates file for the position of
governing board member for the election to be held on N...